As your lawn awakens from its winter slumber, along with the other plants in your yard, you might be wondering why some portions already seem to be struggling. While there are many potential causes for struggling grass, you can’t afford to neglect the possibility of grubs. Make sure grub control is something you consider when spring comes around.
If you suspect grubs are the culprit, spring is an ideal time to do something about it, with the help of Greentech Lawn and Irrigation.
Grubs and Lawns 
Your lawn and grubs are about as good a combination as gasoline and an open flame. Left unchecked, grubs can destroy entire sections of the grass, and the problem will likely worsen over time.
To understand why grubs are such a threat, you need to understand what they are and what they do:
- Grubs look like short, white worms. If you disturb them, they’ll curl up, forming a “C” shape.
- They are the immature form of different beetles. When beetle eggs hatch, grubs emerge.
- The roots of your grass are what grubs eat. They begin this feast in the winter and continue it into the spring.
- Once they’ve developed enough by snacking on your lawn’s roots, grubs turn into pupae. Mature beetles emerge later, feeding on flowers and your garden.
- Not too long after, beetles mate and lay eggs in your lawn, starting up the process again. The more beetles, the more eggs, and the more grubs. This is how your lawn’s condition can worsen.
Most beetles have a life cycle of about one year. That means you have the unique chance in the early spring to kill off the grubs, before they can become beetles, controlling the population. Once they turn into beetles, these pests are much harder to kill because they become more mobile.
Signs of a Grub Infestation 
If you’re wondering whether your lawn has grubs, look for the warning signs. While some aren’t definitive, they can indicate if you need to take a closer look at the possibility:
- Sections of grass that never turn green, but instead stay brown. These can be from grub feedings in the fall.
- Animals like birds, skunks, and raccoons are digging in your lawn. These creatures are interested in eating the grubs, but they could be going after earthworms, so this isn’t a definitive indication of an infestation.
- Your lawn has turned spongy in some areas. This might be where the grass has turned brown, but sometimes you might feel this where the lawn is still green.
- You can pull up or roll back sections of the lawn as if it were a rug. This means the roots in that area have been completely destroyed.