This Dog HATES When He’s Told he Has FLEAS


This dog must be a past survivor of a flea attack. He REALLY hates the word ‘fleas’. You can’t blame him, fleas aren’t fun! Your furry family members shouldn’t have to deal with constant bites and uncontrollable itching.

No one ever wants to hear that their dog has fleas. Unfortunately, it happens.

Fleas are considered parasites and can be referred to as ‘freeloaders’. They hitch a ride on a living host and thrive there with everything they need to survive. These pesky bugs are more commonly seen in the warmer months, making them a common issue during the summer.

How do I know if my dog has fleas?

One clue that your dog has fleas is if you notice them scratching and gnawing their fur more than usual. This additional scratching combined with unusual behavior indicates they may be carrying some unwanted guests. Fleas are the most common pests that will choose to make your pet their home.

You may be able to actually see the tiny brown fleas moving fast throughout the coat of your dog. Patches of red and hair loss are common from the excessive itching and irritation your dog has been undergoing. Not only do fleas cause irritation and a huge annoyance to anyone, but they’re also known to transmit other harmful parasites like tapeworms to their hosts.

How do I check my dog for fleas?

If you suspect that your dog has fleas, the first step is to check for ‘flea dirt’. Tiny black flecks will be left from the fleas and are actually their feces. Gross! Comb a section of your dog’s fur and hold a white piece of paper alongside the section you’re combing. If you see the black flea dirt flick up onto the white paper then transfer them onto a damp piece of paper towel. When the flecks stay black, they’re most likely just dirt. If they turn red or a rusty color then you probably have fleas on your hands. The flecks turn red from the blood they’ve consumed from your dog that’s been passed through their system.

How do I prevent fleas?

The best way to deal with fleas is to prevent them from being in or around your home in the first place. Fleas aren’t the only parasites that love to snack on your pets. Ticks are a huge problem and also carry very serious diseases as well.

Without your knowledge, your family and beloved pets could be subject to a flea and tick infestation that starts in your lawn.  And worse, without a flea and tick control plan, you could carry the nasty pests into your house. Fleas and ticks could sneak into your house by sticking to the bottom of your pants or your dog’s fur.

Want to make sure that your flea problem is solved for good? Hire trained professionals and rest easy!